GraphQL API Changelog
This page shows the history of changes to the GraphQL schema.- Field call was added to object type Query
- Type CallInterface was added
- Field supplyEndDate was added to object type ActiveCosLossProcess
- Field delayConfiguration was added to object type PaymentScheduleType
- Type PaymentScheduleDelayConfigurationType was added
- Field getActiveCosLossProcessesForAccount was added to object type Query
- Type ActiveCosLossProcess was added
- Type CosLossProcessFuelType was added
- Field canRenewTariff was added to object type ElectricityMeterPointType
- Field canRenewTariff was added to object type GasMeterPointType
- Field isDueTariffRenewal was added to object type ElectricityMeterPointType
- Field isDueTariffRenewal was added to object type GasMeterPointType
- Type SendDecommissionRequestInput was added
- Argument identifier: String added to field AccountInterface.bill
- Argument identifier: String added to field AccountType.bill
- Type for argument id on field AccountInterface.bill changed from ID! to ID
- Type for argument id on field AccountType.bill changed from ID! to ID
- Type AwardLoyaltyPointsInput was added
- Field linkedAccountNumbers was added to object type BusinessType
Directive deprecated was added to field BusinessType.linkedAccountNumber
Field BusinessType.linkedAccountNumber has deprecation reason The linkedAccountNumber field is deprecated.
Please use linkedAccountNumbers instead, businesses can be related to multiple Accounts now.
- Marked as deprecated on 2025-02-05.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-08-01.
Field BusinessType.linkedAccountNumber is deprecated
- Field possibleErrors is deprecated on Mutation type. Please use the possibleErrors query or the X-Possible-Errors header instead.\n- Marked as deprecated on 2025-02-05.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-03-05.
- Field standingChargeUplifts was added to object type ElectricityAgreementType
- Field standingChargeUplifts was added to object type GasAgreementType
- Type ElectricityContractStandingChargeUplift was added
- Type GasContractStandingChargeUplift was added
- Field possibleErrors was added to object type PossibleErrorsOutputType
- Field possibleErrorsList was removed from object type PossibleErrorsOutputType
- Type SetLeadOutcomeInput was added
- Argument direction: EnergyProductDirection added to field Query.energyProducts
- Field optInInvitationBatchId was added to object type SavingSessionsEventType
- Field direction was added to object type ElectricityMeterPointType
- Type ElectricityDirection was added
Directive deprecated was added to argument savingSessionsEnrolmentOptions of field joinOctoplusCampaign in type Mutation
Directive deprecated was added to field EnrolmentOutcome.savingSessions
Field EnrolmentOutcome.savingSessions is deprecated
- Type SiteworksRequestStatus was added
- Type UUID was added
- Type CoreSiteworksMarketSupplyPointType was removed
- Field isRts was added to object type ElectricityMeterType
- Field canAddHeatpump was added to object type EnergyIqDataType
- Field canAddSolar was added to object type EnergyIqDataType
- Type BillCharge was added
- Type BillCredit was added
- Type BillPayment was added
- Type BillRefund was added
- Type BillTransactionConnectionTypeConnection was added
- Type BillTransactionConnectionTypeEdge was added
- Type BillTransactionType was added
- Field transactions was added to object type PeriodBasedDocumentType
- Argument status: AccountApplicationStatus added to field Account.applications
- AccountApplicationStatus added to field Account.applications
- Argument status: AccountApplicationStatus added to field AccountType.applications
- Field preferredSsd was added to object type AccountApplicationType
- Description An enumeration. was removed from object type AccountApplicationStatus
- Argument status: AccountApplicationStatus added to field AccountInterface.applications
- Field regionalResults was added to object type SavingSessionsType
- Type SavingSessionsRegionalResultType was added
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type RequestRepaymentInputType
- Input field RequestRepaymentInputType.ledgerId changed type from String! to String
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object RequestRepaymentInputType
- Type CompleteLeadActionInput was added
- Type CoreSiteworksMarketSupplyPointType was added
- Type CoreSiteworksRequestConnectionTypeEdge was added
- Type RequestStatus was added
- Type UpdateLeaveSupplierInput was added
Field QuoteType.consumptionEstimates is deprecated
Directive deprecated was added to field QuoteType.consumptionEstimates
Field QuoteType.consumptionEstimates has deprecation reason The consumption_estimates field is deprecated.
Please use the
query instead.- Marked as deprecated on 2025-01-20.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-04-20.
- Field authorizedApplications was added to object type Query
- Type AuthorizedApplication was added
- Directive deprecated was added to field
- Directive deprecated was added to field
- Field has deprecation reason The ledgerId field is deprecated.\n\nPlease use ledgerNumber instead. This is in the form of L-123456789A\n\n- Marked as deprecated on 2024-10-22.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-25.
- Field is deprecated
- Field has deprecation reason The ledgerId field is deprecated.\n\nPlease use ledgerNumber instead. This is in the form of L-123456789A\n\n- Marked as deprecated on 2024-10-22.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-25.
- Field is deprecated
- Enum value INTERNAL was added to enum ExternalAccountEventSubCategory
- Enum value SALES was added to enum ExternalAccountEventCategory
- Argument isCurrentRecord: Boolean added to field Query.getEnergyIqData
- Field GoodsPurchase.ledgerId changed type from String to ID
- Field changed type from Int to ID
- Field changed type from Int to ID
- Input field AcceptGoodsQuoteInput.quoteId changed type from Int! to ID!
- Input field ProductToQuoteInput.productId changed type from Int! to ID!
- Field bespokeRates was added to object type ElectricityAgreementType
- Field bespokeRates was added to object type GasAgreementType
- Field bespokeStandingCharges was added to object type ElectricityAgreementType
- Field bespokeStandingCharges was added to object type GasAgreementType
- Type BespokeNonHalfHourlyElectricityStandingChargePaymentMethod was added
- Type BespokeNonHalfHourlyElectricityUnitRatePaymentMethod was added
- Type BespokeNonHalfHourlyElectricityUnitRateRateType was added
- Type BespokeNonHalfHourlyGasStandingChargePaymentMethod was added
- Type BespokeNonHalfHourlyGasUnitRatePaymentMethod was added
- Type ElectricityBespokeRate was added
- Type ElectricityBespokeStandingCharge was added
- Type GasBespokeRate was added
- Type GasBespokeStandingCharge was added
- Field number was added to interface SupplementaryLedgerInterface
- Field number was added to object type SupplementaryLedgerType
- Field number was added to object type PrepayPaymentLedgerType
- Directive deprecated was added to field
- Directive deprecated was added to field
- Directive deprecated was added to field
- Field has deprecation reason The ledgerId field is deprecated.\n\nPlease use ledgerNumber instead. This is in the form of L-123456789A\n\n- Marked as deprecated on 2024-10-22.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-25.
- Field is deprecated
- Field has deprecation reason The ledgerId field is deprecated.\n\nPlease use ledgerNumber instead. This is in the form of L-123456789A\n\n- Marked as deprecated on 2024-10-22.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-25.
- Field is deprecated
- Field has deprecation reason The ledgerId field is deprecated.\n\nPlease use ledgerNumber instead. This is in the form of L-123456789A\n\n- Marked as deprecated on 2024-10-22.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-25.
- Field is deprecated
- Field WeatherCompensationConfiguration.allowableRange is deprecated
- Field WeatherCompensationConfiguration.allowableRange has deprecation reason The allowableRange field is deprecated.
- Directive deprecated was added to field WeatherCompensationConfiguration.allowableRange
- Field allowableMaximumTemperatureRange was added to object type WeatherCompensationConfiguration
- Field allowableMinimumTemperatureRange was added to object type WeatherCompensationConfiguration
- Type UpdateExtraDetailsInput was added
- Type _UpdateExtraDetailsItem was added
- Type GetOrCreateShellAccountForLeadInput was added
- Field chatbotRealtimeToken was added to object type Query
- Directive deprecated was added to field TestChargeError.refusalReasons
- Field descriptions was added to object type TestChargeError
- Field errorType was added to object type TestChargeError
- Field reasons was added to object type TestChargeError
- TestChargeError object implements SmartFlexOnboardingErrorInterface interface
- Type SmartFlexOnboardingErrorInterface was added
- Type TestChargeErrorType was added
- Field TestChargeError.refusalReasons has deprecation reason The refusalReasons field is deprecated.\n\nPlease use and instead.\n\n- Marked as deprecated on 2025-01-07.\n- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-01-29.
- Field TestChargeError.refusalReasons is deprecated
- Field accountNumber was added to object type OccupancyPeriodType
- Field getEnergyIqData was added to object type Query
- Type EnergyIqDataType was added
- Type SupplyPointMetadataInput was added
- Type MeterPointType was added
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountInterface.paginatedPaymentForecast
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountInterface.paymentForecast
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountInterface.payments
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountInterface.transactions
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountType.paginatedPaymentForecast
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountType.paymentForecast
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountType.payments
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field AccountType.transactions
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field ledgers in type AccountInterface
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field ledgers in type AccountType
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field paginatedPaymentForecast in type AccountInterface
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field paginatedPaymentForecast in type AccountType
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field paymentForecast in type AccountInterface
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field paymentForecast in type AccountType
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field payments in type AccountInterface
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field payments in type AccountType
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field transactions in type AccountInterface
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field transactions in type AccountType
- Field isSensitive was added to object type AccountUserDetailType
- Field creditTransferPermissionsData was added to interface LedgerInterface
- Field creditTransferPermissionsData was added to object type LedgerType
- Type CreditTransferPermissionFromSourceLedgerType was added
- Type CreditTransferPermissionToTargetLedgerType was added
- Type CreditTransferPermissionsDataType was added
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type GetEmbeddedSecretForNewPaymentInstructionInput
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object GetEmbeddedSecretForNewPaymentInstructionInput
- Enum value JEDLIX_V2 was added to enum ProviderChoices
- Enum value DAY_AHEAD_HH_INDEX was added to enum AllBandSubCategories
- Enum value INDUSTRY_READINGS_NOT_SENT was removed from enum AccountReminderTypes
- Input field activeAt of type DateTime was added to input object type TerminateCreditTransferPermissionInput
- Input field sourceLedgerNumber of type String! was added to input object type TerminateCreditTransferPermissionInput
- Input field targetLedgerNumber of type String! was added to input object type TerminateCreditTransferPermissionInput
- Input field creditTransferPermissionId was removed from input object type TerminateCreditTransferPermissionInput
- Field creditTransferPermissionId was removed from object type TerminateCreditTransferPermission
- Error handling enhanced with ReadingIsNotSequential exception added to FitCreateMeterReadings mutation
- Type PossibleError was added
- Field createCreditTransferPermission was added to object type Mutation
- Type CreateCreditTransferPermission was added
- Type CreateCreditTransferPermissionInput was added
- Input field vendorName of type Vendor! was added to input object type InstructionDetailsInput
- Type Vendor was added
- Field failureCodes was added to object type ResetUserPasswordOutput
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type StorePaymentInstructionInput
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object StorePaymentInstructionInput
- Argument ledgerNumber: String added to field Query.dashboardScreen
- Directive deprecated was added to argument ledgerId of field dashboardScreen in type Query
- Field error was added to object type TestCharge
- Type TestChargeError was added
- Type TestChargeRefusalReason was added
Directive deprecated was added to field TestCharge.status
Field TestCharge.status is deprecated
Field TestCharge.status has deprecation reason The status field is deprecated.
Please use isStarted and error instead.
- Marked as deprecated on 2024-12-12.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-02-12.
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type SetUpDirectDebitInstructionInput
- Input field SetUpDirectDebitInstructionInput.ledgerId changed type from ID! to ID
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object SetUpDirectDebitInstructionInput
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type InitiateStandalonePaymentInput
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object InitiateStandalonePaymentInput
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object AccountLedgerInput
- Input field AccountLedgerInput.ledgerId changed type from ID! to ID
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type AccountLedgerInput
- Field key was added to object type RegenerateSecretKey
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type UpdateAutoTopUpAmountInput
- Input field UpdateAutoTopUpAmountInput.ledgerId changed type from Int! to Int
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object UpdateAutoTopUpAmountInput
- Field PortfolioType.ancestors changed type from NestedPortfolioConnectionTypeConnection to PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection
- Field PortfolioType.descendants changed type from NestedPortfolioConnectionTypeConnection to PortfolioConnectionTypeConnection
- Field PortfolioType.parent changed type from NestedPortfolioType to PortfolioType
- Type NestedPortfolioConnectionTypeConnection was removed
- Type NestedPortfolioConnectionTypeEdge was removed
- Type NestedPortfolioType was removed
- Argument integrationDeviceId: String added to field Query.devices
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexBattery
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to interface SmartFlexDeviceInterface
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexChargePoint
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexDevice
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexHeatPump
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexInverter
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexStorageHeaters
- Field integrationDeviceId was added to object type SmartFlexVehicle
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type CollectPaymentInput
- Input field CollectPaymentInput.ledgerId changed type from ID! to ID
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object CollectPaymentInput
- Field html was added to object type TermsAndConditions
- Field pdfUrl was added to object type TermsAndConditions
- Argument electricityOnly: Boolean added to field Query.addressUprns
Directive deprecated was added to field Mutation.resetPassword
Field Mutation.resetPassword has deprecation reason The resetPassword field is deprecated.
Please use
instead.- Marked as deprecated on 2024-12-04.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-01.
You can read more about this deprecation on: Mutation.resetPassword is deprecated
- Input field ledgerNumber of type String was added to input object type PostCreditInput
- Input field PostCreditInput.ledgerId changed type from ID! to ID
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object PostCreditInput
- Field ledgerNumber was added to object type GoodsPurchase
Directive deprecated was added to field GoodsPurchase.ledgerId
Field GoodsPurchase.ledgerId has deprecation reason The ledgerId field is deprecated.
Please use ledgerNumber instead. This is in the form of L-123456789A
- Marked as deprecated on 2024-10-22.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2025-06-25.
Field GoodsPurchase.ledgerId is deprecated
- Field termsAndConditions was added to object type QuoteRequest
- Field termsAndConditions was added to object type QuoteRequestBase
- Input field StartSmartOnboardingProcessInput.termsAndConditions changed type from TermsAndConditions to TermsAndConditionsInput
- TermsAndConditions kind changed from InputObjectTypeDefinition to ObjectTypeDefinition
- Type TermsAndConditionsInput was added
- Type SwitchAccountToVariablePaymentScheduleInput was added
- Input field suppressCommunications of type Boolean was added to input object type InitiateProductSwitchInput
- Field accountsCount (deprecated) was removed from object type NestedPortfolioType
- Field accountsCount (deprecated) was removed from object type PortfolioType
- Field co2SavingInKgFromConsumption was added to object type ElectricitySupplyPoint
- Field treesSavedFromConsumption was added to object type ElectricitySupplyPoint
- Directive deprecated was added to input field ledgerId in input object InitiateHostedStandalonePaymentInput
- Field accounts was added to object type PortfolioType
- Type AccountConnectionTypeConnection was added
- Type AccountConnectionTypeEdge was added
Directive deprecated was added to field NestedPortfolioType.accountsCount
Directive deprecated was added to field PortfolioType.accountsCount
Field NestedPortfolioType.accountsCount has deprecation reason The accountsCount field is deprecated.
Will be deleted in favor of field.
- Marked as deprecated on 2024-11-27.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2024-12-02.
Field NestedPortfolioType.accountsCount is deprecated
Field PortfolioType.accountsCount has deprecation reason The accountsCount field is deprecated.
Will be deleted in favor of field.
- Marked as deprecated on 2024-11-27.
- Scheduled for removal on or after 2024-12-02.
Field PortfolioType.accountsCount is deprecated
- Field gspGroupId was added to object type EligibleMetersPointsType
- Field targetGsp was added to object type SavingSessionsEventType
- Type TargetGspType was added
- Argument includeRestrictedProducts: Boolean (with default value) added to field Query.availableProductsForMeterPoint
- Type VerificationRequestStatus was added
- Type VerificationRequestStatus was added
- Input field CloseDCAProceedingInputType.stoppedDate changed type from String! to Date!
- Input field CloseDCAProceedingInputType.campaign changed type from String! to String
- Argument expiresAt: DateTime was added to input RegisterPushNotificationBinding
- Field possibleErrors was added to object type Query
- Type PossibleErrorsInputType was added
- Type PossibleErrorsOutputType was added
- Enum value GBP was added to enum CurrencyOptions
- Field addressUprns was added to object type Query
- Type AddressUPRNTypeConnection was added
- Type AddressUPRNTypeEdge was added
- Type UniqueRELAddressType was added
- Field typedSource (deprecated) was removed from object type MeasurementsMetadataOutput
- Type TypedSourceOutput was removed
- Type UtilityType was removed
- Argument fields: [String] added to field CombinedRateLimitInformation.fieldSpecificRateLimits
- Field fieldSpecificRateLimits was added to object type CombinedRateLimitInformation
- Type FieldSpecificRateLimitInformation was added
- Type FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionTypeConnection was added
- Type FieldSpecificRateLimitInformationConnectionTypeEdge was added